78 GBP to EUR | Convert 78 Pound to Euro (2024)

As of 31 August 2024, the current exchange rate of 78 Pound is equal to 92.656 Euro. This is an increase of 2.765607% (or +2.493539 EUR) compared with the same time last year (31 August 2022), when 78 Pound equaled 90.1625 Euro.

Real-time FX

  • Type: Currency
  • Group: Major
  • Base: GBP
  • Second: EUR
  • Prev. Close: 92.6477
  • Bid/Ask: 90.8029 / 95.4357
  • 7 Day's Range: 92.0224 - 92.7246

Inverse: 78 EUR = 65.6622 GBP

Historical Rates (GBP/EUR): Sunday, 25/08/2024 - Saturday, 31/08/2024

One week

  • One week
  • One month
  • Three month
  • Half-year
  • Year

Historical Rate Tables (GBP to EUR)

30 Day Historical Table

Date 78 GBP to EUR Changes Changes (%)
Saturday, 31/08/2024 92.656 EUR 0.00828 EUR 0.0089%
Friday, 30/08/2024 92.6477 EUR -0.076918 EUR -0.083%
Thursday, 29/08/2024 92.7246 EUR 0.166406 EUR 0.1795%
Wednesday, 28/08/2024 92.5582 EUR 0.20431 EUR 0.2207%
Tuesday, 27/08/2024 92.3539 EUR 0.242752 EUR 0.2629%
Monday, 26/08/2024 92.1112 EUR 0.088804 EUR 0.0964%
Sunday, 25/08/2024 92.0224 EUR 0.008054 EUR 0.0088%
Saturday, 24/08/2024 92.0143 EUR -0.014599 EUR -0.0159%
Friday, 23/08/2024 92.0289 EUR 0.181001 EUR 0.1967%
Thursday, 22/08/2024 91.8479 EUR 0.346942 EUR 0.3777%
Wednesday, 21/08/2024 91.501 EUR 0.066876 EUR 0.0731%
Tuesday, 20/08/2024 91.4341 EUR -0.081771 EUR -0.0894%
Monday, 19/08/2024 91.5159 EUR 0.00493 EUR 0.0054%
Sunday, 18/08/2024 91.5109 EUR 0.005054 EUR 0.0055%
Saturday, 17/08/2024 91.5059 EUR -0.024365 EUR -0.0266%
Friday, 16/08/2024 91.5302 EUR 0.315556 EUR 0.3448%
Thursday, 15/08/2024 91.2147 EUR 0.293102 EUR 0.3213%
Wednesday, 14/08/2024 90.9216 EUR -0.373335 EUR -0.4106%
Tuesday, 13/08/2024 91.2949 EUR 0.144604 EUR 0.1584%
Monday, 12/08/2024 91.1503 EUR 0.045306 EUR 0.0497%
Sunday, 11/08/2024 91.105 EUR 0.010375 EUR 0.0114%
Saturday, 10/08/2024 91.0946 EUR -0.001813 EUR -0.002%
Friday, 09/08/2024 91.0965 EUR 0.147914 EUR 0.1624%
Thursday, 08/08/2024 90.9485 EUR 0.216803 EUR 0.2384%
Wednesday, 07/08/2024 90.7317 EUR 0.028762 EUR 0.0317%
Tuesday, 06/08/2024 90.703 EUR -0.212959 EUR -0.2348%
Monday, 05/08/2024 90.9159 EUR -0.658844 EUR -0.7247%
Sunday, 04/08/2024 91.5748 EUR -0.019988 EUR -0.0218%
Saturday, 03/08/2024 91.5948 EUR -0.064416 EUR -0.0703%
Friday, 02/08/2024 91.6592 EUR 0.996822 EUR 1.0875%

The value of 78 GBP in Euro for the last 30 days (02 Aug - Aug, 31 2024) increased by: 0.996822 EUR (1.0875%).

Monthly (2020)

Date 78 GBP to EUR Changes Changes (%)
Saturday, 31/08/2024 92.656 EUR 0.088018 EUR 0.094995%
Wednesday, 31/07/2024 92.568 EUR 0.494155 EUR 0.533829%
Sunday, 30/06/2024 92.0738 EUR 0.533984 EUR 0.579952%
Friday, 31/05/2024 91.5398 EUR 0.206532 EUR 0.22562%
Tuesday, 30/04/2024 91.3333 EUR 0.084043 EUR 0.092018%
Sunday, 31/03/2024 91.2493 EUR 0.10817 EUR 0.118543%
Thursday, 29/02/2024 91.1411 EUR -0.259687 EUR -0.284928%
Wednesday, 31/01/2024 91.4008 EUR 1.513349 EUR 1.655729%
Sunday, 31/12/2023 89.8874 EUR -0.454388 EUR -0.505508%
Thursday, 30/11/2023 90.3418 EUR 0.882839 EUR 0.977221%
Tuesday, 31/10/2023 89.459 EUR -0.561298 EUR -0.627436%
Saturday, 30/09/2023 90.0203 EUR EUR %

This table shows how much 78 GBP is worth in EUR at the same time in the months of 2020.

Yearly (2015-2024)

Date 78 GBP to EUR Changes Changes (%)
Saturday, 31/08/2024 92.656 EUR 2.493539 EUR 2.691179%
Wednesday, 31/08/2022 90.1625 EUR -0.674076 EUR -0.747624%
Tuesday, 31/08/2021 90.8365 EUR 3.524352 EUR 3.879884%
Monday, 31/08/2020 87.3122 EUR 1.183182 EUR 1.355117%
Saturday, 31/08/2019 86.129 EUR -0.861432 EUR -1.000165%
Friday, 31/08/2018 86.9904 EUR 2.27604 EUR 2.616426%
Thursday, 31/08/2017 84.7144 EUR -7.059546 EUR -8.333349%
Wednesday, 31/08/2016 91.7739 EUR -14.9661 EUR -16.3076%
Monday, 31/08/2015 106.74 EUR EUR %

This table shows the value of 78 GBP in EUR at the same time by year in the last 9 years (2015-2024).

Other amounts

77 GBP = 91.4681 EUR 78 Pound to US Dollar
79 GBP = 93.8439 EUR 78 Pound to Japanese Yen
80 GBP = 95.0318 EUR 78 Pound to Australian dollar
81 GBP = 96.2197 EUR 78 Pound to Bitcoin
82 GBP = 97.4076 EUR 78 Pound to Canadian Dollar
83 GBP = 98.5955 EUR 78 Pound to Swiss Franc
84 GBP = 99.7834 EUR 78 Pound to Chinese Yuan
85 GBP = 100.971 EUR 78 Pound to Swedish krona
86 GBP = 102.159 EUR 78 Pound to Mexican Peso
87 GBP = 103.347 EUR 78 Pound to New Zealand Dollar
88 GBP = 104.535 EUR 78 Pound to Singapore Dollar
89 GBP = 105.723 EUR 78 Pound to Hong Kong Dollar
90 GBP = 106.911 EUR 78 Pound to Norwegian Krone
91 GBP = 108.099 EUR 78 Pound to South Korean Won
92 GBP = 109.287 EUR 78 Pound to Lira
93 GBP = 110.474 EUR 78 Pound to Indian Rupee
94 GBP = 111.662 EUR 78 Pound to Russian Ruble
95 GBP = 112.85 EUR 78 Pound to Brazilian Real
96 GBP = 114.038 EUR 78 Pound to Rand
97 GBP = 115.226 EUR 78 Pound to Danish Krone
98 GBP = 116.414 EUR 78 Pound to Polish Zloty
99 GBP = 117.602 EUR 78 Pound to Taiwan Dollar
100 GBP = 118.79 EUR 78 Pound to Thai Baht
101 GBP = 119.978 EUR 78 Pound to Malaysian Ringgit
102 GBP = 121.166 EUR 78 Pound to Romanian New Leu

Updated: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 13:44:20 +0000

78 GBP to EUR | Convert 78 Pound to Euro (2024)


Who much is 100 pounds in euro? ›

British Pounds to Euros conversion rates
100 GBP118.39 EUR
500 GBP591.99 EUR
1,000 GBP1,183.98 EUR
5,000 GBP5,919.91 EUR
7 more rows

How much is $1 dollar to 1 euro? ›

1 USD = 0.905117 EUR Sep 01, 2024 22:38 UTC

The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently. This is very much needed given the extreme volatility in global currencies lately. Sending money abroad is as easy as ever.

What is a good EUR to GBP rate? ›

Email me when
1 EUR to GBPLast 30 daysLast 90 days
1 more row

What is the strongest currency in the world? ›

1. Kuwaiti dinar. Known as the strongest currency in the world, the Kuwaiti dinar or KWD was introduced in 1960 and was initially equivalent to one pound sterling.

Is the Euro stronger than the dollar? ›

Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate (I:EURUSD)

Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate is at a current level of 1.104, down from 1.106 the previous market day and up from 1.080 one year ago. This is a change of -0.24% from the previous market day and 2.17% from one year ago.

What is stronger, pounds or euros? ›

When the UK government is seen as stable, the pound tends to appreciate against the euro. Conclusion: The relative strength of the pound and the euro is constantly changing. There is no single factor that can definitively determine which currency is stronger.

How many euros should I get for $100? ›

British Pounds to Euros: exchange rates today
50 GBP59.27 EUR
100 GBP118.55 EUR
250 GBP296.38 EUR
300 GBP355.65 EUR
8 more rows

What is the cheapest way to get euros? ›

Banks, credit unions, and online currency exchange bureaus and converters provide convenient and often inexpensive currency exchange services. Also, your own bank's overseas ATM or a foreign bank's are ways to get local currency with a credit card or ATM card once you have arrived.

Where is the US dollar worth the most? ›

Best Places to Visit Where the Dollar Is Strong
  • Peru. Peru/Peruvian Sol. ...
  • South Africa. South Africa/South African Rand. ...
  • Mexico. Mexico/Mexican Peso. ...
  • South Korea. South Korea/South Korean Won. ...
  • Japan. Japan/Japanese Yen. ...
  • Argentina. Argentina/Argentine Peso. ...
  • Hungary. Hungary/Hungarian Forint. ...
  • Chile. Chile/Chilean Peso.
Aug 29, 2024

Should I buy euros before I go to Europe? ›

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip.

Some tourists feel like they must have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

How much is 1 dollar in Paris? ›

0.90570 EUR

Is it better to pay in GBP or EUR? ›

It's always better to pay in the local currency when you're on holiday. If a retailer offers to convert your card transaction into pound sterling, politely decline and continue with the transaction in the local currency. So if you're in France, pay in euros, if you're in the United States, pay in US dollars.

Can I pay euros into my bank account? ›

Notes and cheques can be deposited in euro or other currencies.

What is the strongest currency to GBP? ›

The highest currency in the world is none other than Kuwaiti Dinar or KWD. Initially, one Kuwaiti dinar was worth one pound sterling when the Kuwaiti dinar was introduced in 1960.

What is worth more 1 Euro or 1 pound? ›

Convert your USD or EURO money into foreign currencies
1 GBP=1.1888 EUR
Pound sterlingEuro
1 GBP = 1.1888 EUR1 EUR = 0.8412 GBP
ECB Exchange rates: 2024-08-30 13:59:40
1 more row

Is GBP or Euro better? ›

It's always better to pay in the local currency when you're on holiday. If a retailer offers to convert your card transaction into pound sterling, politely decline and continue with the transaction in the local currency. So if you're in France, pay in euros, if you're in the United States, pay in US dollars.

Why is GBP strong against EUR? ›

The pound was also helped by a slowdown in American inflation which suggested that the world's largest economy could cut interest rates earlier than the UK, making the pound a more attractive currency to hold.

Is the Euro stronger than the pound today? ›

How is the Euro doing today? The GBP / EUR rate today is 1.1861 compared to yesterdays rate of 1.1869. This is a difference of 0.0007 which is a 0.06% decrease. At market rates, this means that yesterday £1000 was worth €1186.86 and today £1000 is worth €1186.15 which is a difference of €-0.72.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.