Green extraction of natural products: theory and practice (2025)

Chemat Farid Strube Jochen Wiley-VCH 2015 Hardcover, 384 pp. Print ISBN: 978-3-527-33653-1

Natural products are obtained from plant resources through extraction processes due to their increasing demand in industrial sectors such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries. Green extraction is based on the discovery and design of extraction processes which will reduce energy consumption, allows use of alternative solvents and renewable natural products, and ensures a safe and high quality extract. This book is intended to give an in-depth view of the state of the art techniques for the extraction of natural products and the influence of various factors in the process performance. Each chapter gives a balanced outline of process techniques, methods, solvents, safety and environment benefits of extraction of natural products. The principles and fundamentals of each extraction process are addressed and the factors influencing them are further discussed. Each chapter provides the reader with comprehensive information about the fundamentals of green extraction and how to explore this knowledge to maximize the efficiency of the extraction method in order to obtain the quality products intended.

Chapter 1 provides the fundamental knowledge related to new chemical products and processes that are necessary to develop cleaner technologies. This chapter also illustrates how natural products can be used as ingredients in different industrial sectors and the successful application of green extraction of natural products in academia as a vector of green teaching and research.

In chapter 2, the current issues in plant extraction and solutions are discussed in detail. For example, if an extract is directly applied as an active pharmaceutical ingredient, a plant specific documentation is prepared for the approval documents of the extract. The different approaches of process engineering and product designs are also presented in this chapter.

Tailor-made production of plants for green extraction is presented in chapter 3. In this chapter the authors thoroughly deal with the sustainable process, production technology, seed stock and quality criteria of plants.

In chapter 4, an overview of traditional as well as new enhanced extraction methods are presented. This chapter also reveals how innovative techniques and improved methods can compete with the traditional procedures and how sustainable and green extraction processes should be designed.

Chapter 5 highlights the fundamentals of process-intensification strategy (PI-S) for green extraction operations. The PI-S is an innovative technology approach that mainly aims at reducing specific energy consumption while increasing yields and improving environmental impacts by using natural raw materials, recovering residue and wastes.

In chapter 6, the author discusses that a proper choice of solvents is of the utmost importance to conceive extraction processes and subsequent purification steps. The solvents must ensure a sufficient solubility of valuable substances, and on the other hand, the economic aspects and health, safety and the environment (HSE) must be taken into account. This section also focuses on the purification of plant extracts as representatives for efficient handling of complex mixtures.

Chapter 7 deals with a complete picture of current knowledge on using water as an alternative solvent for natural product extraction. It also provides the necessary theoretical background and some details about extraction using water, the technique, the mechanism, some applications, and environmental impacts.

In chapter 8 the authors focus on coverage exploitation of by-products from the agrofood industry, because the proper exploitation of the residues allows a comprehensive utilization of crops and reduces polluting effects on the environment. The different treatments for same disposal of the residues from the production of olive oil, wine and citrus juices, and from related agriculture as well as their present and potential exploitation are discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 9 provides details of the modern state and recent developments of pulsed electric field (PEF)-assisted selective extraction techniques with examples of its applications to materials of different origin. PEF-assisted extraction of juices, sugars, colors, polyphenolic substances, and oils from solid foods such as sugar beets, apples, grapes are also demonstrated.

In chapter 10 the authors give an overview of the current state of the art of artemisinin extraction and provide some insights into potential use of novel, clean extraction and purification technologies which are likely to improve the quality of the obtained molecules as well as improving robustness of the manufacturing process and its cost effectiveness and safety.

Over all this book addresses well and widely the current knowledge on green extraction of natural products in terms of innovative processes, methods, alternative solvents and product safety. Also, it provides necessary theoretical background and detail about green extraction with regards to techniques, mechanisms, protocols, industrial application and environmental impacts. This book is divided into ten different chapters. The authors of each chapter are to be congratulated on bringing together this valuable and unique source on green extraction processes. This book is targeted at industry professionals as well as academicians and it is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers who are looking for new techniques on green extraction processes for their work. This book can also be recommended to those who are seeking to improve both fundamental and green parameters of the techniques and to increase the amount of extracts obtained from renewable resources with minimum consumption of energy and solvents.

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Green extraction of natural products: theory and practice (2025)
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